09 August 2009

On My Knees Cleaning Sick Off the Floor

There's nothing like having sick kids to really make a mom tired. I consciously remind myself that I did indeed sign up for this. But as I'm kneeling on the floor, scrubbing the carpet for the umpteenth time, while making yet another dirty laundry pile and trying to sooth the poor, suffering child I remember back in the day (BK) . . . and I remember someone telling me being a mom could be really hard. Insightful.

But that just shows the limitation of the English language. The word "hard" doesn't really accurately describe the consistent sleepless nights of being a new mom or the accompanying depth of exhaustion, the wearying work of potty training and never ending laundry duty, that stressful start of school and the worry about your child making friends and learning good things. Or even just that constant nagging thought of what are we going to eat tonight? And that's if everyone is healthy and happy.

Really, my understanding of "hard" has grown as I've faced serious challenges. Being a mom is one challenge I got to choose, although I certainly didn't have vomiting in mind when I did, but it's all part of the package and I have to say there is nothing better than making my baby (no matter how old) feel better just by giving them love and comfort.

Now . . . back to the floor.

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